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Discipling Ministry called Impact 195 has transformed my thinking about service to God, dying to self, and the implications of a life lived for God's will and not my own.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Have it YAH-WEH at Burger King!

1st Peter 3:15  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...

Last week after a long morning, I had a couple of encounters with God.  I was able to provide the funds for immunization shots for a student going to Haiti.  It gave me great pleasure to see this process through.  Seeing his face and joy was worth the money provided.  

After that meeting I went to lunch.  I started off for Chik-fil-a, and as I entered the parking lot I remembered that it was Chicken Sandwich Monday at Burger King.  I turned around and drove a short distance there.  I enjoyed a Chicken sandwich combo for $2.99.  While staring away into space, I was thinking about our gifts of the Holy Spirit class taught by Cisco.  I was just wondering if God was only going to use a gift a giving that some people saw in me.  

Kind of startled, I looked up and saw a man standing next to my booth looking at me.  I said, "hi."  He looked at me intently and said, "You look like you have a lot of peace. Can you tell me how to have that?"  I smiled, and gave God a little chuckle in my head thinking, "So, you are just going to throw one in my lap!"  I motioned with my hand for the gentleman to have a seat.  Some doubts quickly shot through my head.  I asked him if he wanted a burger, his reply, "no".  I asked him if he needed a bus pass or ride, his reply, "no".  I responded, "Tell me your story."  He had gone through a divorce, and was having some financial issues related to that surface.  He was concerned about his image, since he was missing his upper dentures.  He confessed his culpability in the failure of his marriage, and some current issues with drugs he was working out with a 12-step program.  He was really concerned about his past sins and failures. I asked him if he knew Jesus as his Savior.  He said sure, but didn't seem confident.  I asked him "Why would Jesus let you in heaven?"  He seemed perplexed at the question.  He grimaced and said, "'Cause I try hard!?"  I let him know that he could have confidence in that answer.  I asked him if he wanted to know how.  I shared with him the gospel, reminding him that Jesus was the only way to heaven.  We can do nothing to earn our way.  We have to rely on the sacrifice of Jesus, God's perfect son.  I asked him if he believed that.  He said "Yes."  I told him that Jesus' sacrifice removed his sins as far as the east is from the west. He was happy at that thought.  I am, too!  I also told him that Jesus' sacrifice covers our past, present, and future sins.  "Do you want that for yourself," I asked.  "Do you want to receive Jesus as your Savior for your sins", I asked.  "Yes."  Wow.  First time anyone has said that to me when asking that question.  So, with a big grin and holding his hands, he prayed with me to accept Jesus as his Savior.

He had a big, gaping smile, but, that didn't matter any more.  I bought him a hamburger and fries, and agreed to meet for a service later that week at The Rock.

God seemed to be saying to me, "I can use you however I wish."  Just be obedient.

So, be ready, with the reason for your hope.  You never know when you will need it.

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome Mike! I didn't get a chance to ask what the BK story was; that is so encouraging!
    Well done on being obedient to the opportunity He gave you. I was definitely convicted and encouraged by it.
